The Brick House Wada, situated amidst rural settlements in Jambhulpada, near Mumbai, India, is a 2500 sq.ft. farmhouse set within hills and farms. A recipient of multiple awards, the free flowing organic biophilic architecture embraces sustainability at its core.
The impact of the architecture of the structure is strong, leading the viewer to a new observation, not allowing him to be complacent about the space which he occupies. The organic form emerges from the ground and flows into the skyline, following curved dips and peaks.
Each space flows into another along curved lines, leading into a seamless space held by the central courtyard. The observer begins his journey along the curved jali brick wall offering tantalising glimpses of the interior, thus drawing him into dramatic compositions of light and shadows.
As one enters into the structure, one is greeted by the soft sunlight falling to the central body of water and the coolness within the structure. The interior space is dominated by the two huge arches of brick and stone, opening to vistas of farms and hills. The furniture seems to rise and fall from the walls or floor dramatically leading one’s eyes to play of materials against each other.
The design of brick house takes inspiration from works and philosophies of legendary architects Laurie Baker and Nari Gandhi.
Zoning of activities responding to the climatic conditions and views was achieved with the use of levels leading to a single yet distinct living room, kitchen and dining. South-west position of first floor bedroom provides shade to courtyard and keeps water body cool. The positions and sizes of the openings are dictated by climatology, ensuring natural light, cross ventilation and passive cooling. Taking inspiration from architect Laurie Baker, we used techniques like rat-trap bond brickwork, filler slab, brick jalis, brick arches, Ferrocement roof, built-in furniture and use of local materials. These proved low cost and eco-friendly technologies, allowing this 2500 sq ft structure to be constructed in INR 20 lakhs due to reduced requirement of steel, cement & bricks.
Prashant Dupare and Shriya Parasrampuria were co-founders of istudio architecture along with a third partner previously. Brick house, Wada was part of their works at istudio architecture.
Blurring Boundaries, one of the leading sustainable architecture firms in Mumbai, takes pride in presenting the Brick House, Wada. This project embodies our commitment to eco-friendly and biophilic design principles, blending traditional materials with modern aesthetics. Its innovative approach to sustainable construction and unique integration with the natural environment has garnered recognition across prestigious awards and publications in the architectural community.
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Name : Brick house
Location : Wada in Maharashtra, India
Type : Farmhouse
Area : 2500 sqft
Team : iStudio architecture
Website: Earthbound getaways
Instagram : Ebgetaways